KCA History

Way back in 1959, ever since its inception, The Kerala Catholic Association (KCA) is engaged in many social and charitable works. As part of its social commitment, the idea of a school blossomed in the mind of Mr. P. J. Mathew the educationist. Incorporating his thought with Mr. Mohan Kandathil, and the then committee members the dream of a school flourished. Their idea was to change the obsolete education system and to create a purposeful generation with a global outlook. Thus in June 2011, the school began with Playschool & Nursery having a strength of 30 students.

In 2012 – 2013 the strength of the school came up to 97 with classes from Playschool to Senior K.G. In the following year i.e. 2013 – 2014, the number of students rose to 147 and classes up to Grade I. 2014 – 2015 witnessed a good inflow of students making it two times more than the previous year i.e. 314 students and up to Grade II. In 2015 – 2016 we have introduced Grade III and the total strength rose up to 600. In 2016 -2017, we have been lucky to raise our classes till Grade IV making a total strength of more than 860 students in all. In the present academic year the strength has risen from 860 to 1081.

The main motive of our institution is to make the impossible, possible. Here, in this institution, we make the middle class and lower middle class children get education without ever considering the educational or economic background. The speciality of our institution is to keep the students calm and composed by guiding them in all spheres of life starting from the eating habits, behaviour, cleanliness and discipline. Ours is an institution that exactly provides a homely environment. They are provided with nutritious food items at their appointed time in a hygienic environment.


As every year, we celebrate the Independence Day in a grand manner. To add frill to the celebration, we had March past and drill display by our students followed by variety entertainments. As an extension of the celebration, we organized an Independence Day Rally participating all the students, teaching and non teaching staff and the management members. It was a special attraction to the people around with staff & students holding placards highlighting the need for health & hygiene and making Swatch Bharat Abhiyan programme introduced. The introduction of the Independence Day Rally was an eye – catching one promoting patriotism to higher levels.


Other than this, we also kept co – curricular and extra – curricular activities and competitions to capture the hidden talents of our students. Many of our students took part in outside events like Karate, Gymnastics and other sports events. We are taking special interest to develop the talents of the students in various fields for their overall development like carroms, chess, sports, newspaper reading, quiz, cycling, etc. The Annual Sports was conducted on 18 th November honouring the victors with medals and certificates. The events for parents, teachers, office staff and other support staff were also conducted and duly rewarded.


Festivals are always a part of our culture and we make the students participate in all the activities involving the participation of the teachers as well. The deftness brought in the Dandiya and Garba dance is quite praise worthy. Diwali celebrations are also done with total enthusiasm involving all the students for a Diwali party. Now the Christmas party is awaiting to be celebrated with fun and frolic on 22 nd December.


The project work done by the students were quite enhancing. It was a triangular work done by the students, parents and teachers taking ideas from all sources. The students are very innovative and intuitive. They are really gifted ones with total dedication.


This special programmme has been the brain child of Mr. P. J. Mathew sir our Chairman and Mr. Mohan Kandathil sir our Hon. Manager. The main idea behind this is to make the students role models for others to follow. The Good Karma students programme is formed involving all the students from Grade IV onwards. We also selected the teachers who voluntarily took up the duty of involving in Good Karma. Before the inauguration of the programme, the parents were made aware of the subjects we wanted the students to involve in. The wholesome development of their personality, character and behaviour and also development in the various other fields have been taken up. The parents expressed their deep gratitude and co-operation on this new venture. Finally on 14 th November on the Children’s Day the Good Karma students programme took shape and was inaugurated, lining up with Good Karma teachers and students with their special uniform..


The Hindustan Times conducted a workshop for the students of classes III, IV & V on topics related to Self Reliance and discipline with special reference to study habits and concentration.

Apart from the functioning of an International School in the campus, we also have a Daycare centre running between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. involving children from the infancy to the age of 14. The care taken by the staff in daycare is quite praise worthy. They are second mothers to the children. They are trained to follow self-discipline and to be free. They are provided with breakfast, lunch, milk and snacks. In the evening, we run the activity centre in the same campus from 6 pm to 8 pm. The activities conducted include Karate, Yoga and Aerobics, Western dance, Bharatnatyam, Drawing class, etc.