KCA St. Francis of Assisi International School launched a special move to foster the students for a better move, thereby enhancing the overall quality as a good human being. This movement is actually the brain child of Mr. P.J. Mathew our Chairman and Mr. Mohan Kandathil our Hon. Manager. These founder Patrons along with the Principal Mrs. NarayaniKutty and Headmistress Mrs. Geetha Murali lined up with 20 Teachers volunteering the good cause. To begin with we have 99 Good Karma students from the whole of Grade IV & V. The initiative began with the meeting of the parents with an introduction of Good Karma by Rev. Fr. Tenny Parakka. It was an exciting and motivating speech that gained momentum and created a spark of enthusiasm and support from the parents.

The official inauguration of Good Karma students was done on 14th November, 2017 under the expert guidance of Rev. Fr. Raphael Ainikkal. To add frill to the programme, we organized a rally of the Good Karma Patrons, staff, students and well-wishers stressing on the need to completely stop alcohol, tobacco & drinks. This was indeed a very kind gesture of the Good Karma students towards the welfare of the society.

The Good Karma students movement has only started. It has miles to go to accomplish the dream of a true and complete society that looks forward to bring forth many such Good Karma students and parents on their march to build themselves role models and worthy citizens of the country and the world as a whole. Many things are to come and many more things have to be done. Today, Good Karma students are all set with their good and noble thoughts in all walks of life at home, in the school and in the surroundings. We are sure that we won’t take back the steps but will move forward with complete determination and deep involvement.

As a continuation of the Good Karma students’ programme, on the 3rd of February, 2018 We conducted a Good Karma Entertainment Day --- a purely informal activity on the very next day of their II Unit Test. But to our surprise, it turned out to be a super hit of variety entertainments. It was indeed a kaleidoscope of ideas from the students. The students have already started their growth in all the fields. Indeed, we are growing and we must grow……. This is only a beginning. We have miles to go…….


The Good Karma Entertainment Day was held on 3rd February, 2018. The programme began at 9.30 a.m. with a prayer and oath by all the Good Karma students, Good Karma Patrons, Good Karma teachers and all other staff. Mr. Mohan Kandathil, our Hon. Manager was there throughout the programme.

The Good Karma entertainment day was planned as a surprise entertainment programme to showcase all the hidden talents of the students. After the completion of their II Unit Test on 2nd February at 11.30 our teachers made all the Good Karma students to assemble and to discuss for the next day's programme. The programme was kept as a total surprise and they all were told not to take any pressure regarding the same.

To everyone’s surprise, each group performed better than the other. It was a free and an informal entertainment day. Everybody enjoyed, both the students and all the staff. All the items were comprised of novel ideas - the thoughts that came out bubbling in the minds of the young Good Karma students. The dance, the skit, the activities, the games, the quiz, the patriotic chain songs were all quite educative and entertaining. All the students and teachers were on their toes. Absolutely, it was a very good stress buster. All the students, teachers and staff enjoyed. This actually was a wonderful experience. There was a combined breakfast and lunch which was relished by all. Indeed, the programme was a great success. The programme came to an end at 3.00 p.m.